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Hygiene Poverty

Having access to products for maintaining cleanliness is something many of us take for granted every day. We shower when we want, buy the products we like, when we need them. We may never experience hygiene poverty.

“Hygiene Poverty” is when you can’t afford the products to maintain health and cleanliness; to not be able to take a shower, brush your teeth or wash your hair. To many of the homeless and other vulnerable populations, hygiene is often compromised because they can't afford it. The decision to take care of a more basic need such as eating, or buying medication impacts their ability to afford basic hygiene and personal care products.

“We envision a society where individuals have unlimited access to all resources needed to enhance their quality of life, where they can live their best life possible”.

Sunlight Foundation NFP – Vision Statement

Our new “Hygiene Bank Initiative” is designed to help achieve this vision. Organizations working with vulnerable populations will receive hygiene kits to distribute to families and individuals they service; giving them access to these basic hygiene and personal care products. The Hygiene Bank is an ongoing initiative throughout the year.

Join us in our SPRING INTO GIVING Campaign. During the month of April we are raising funds to support this work. Your $25.00 donation will help supply 5 individuals with basic hygiene and personal care supplies needed to maintain cleanliness and health. We are also looking for partners that can host hygiene drives within their organization or serve as a drop off site for a drive. If your organization is interested in becoming a partner, contact us at Click the button below to make your tax-deductible donation.

Sunlight Foundation NFP is a 501c3 organization. EIN # 86-1536182

Your donation is tax deductible.

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